An exceedingly dry season. Great[Pg 365] loss by fire, burning the outhouses and famous stable of the Earl of Nottingham, at Burleigh [Rutlandshire], full of rich goods and furniture, by the carelessness of a servant. A little before, the same happened at Lord Pembroke's, at Wilton. The old Countess of Northumberland, Dowager of Algernon Percy, Admiral of the fleet to King Charles I., died in the 83d year of her age. She was sister to the Earl of Suffolk, and left a great estate, her jointure to descend to the Duke of Somerset.
May, 1704. The Bailiff of Westminster hanged himself. He had an ill report.
On the death of the Emperor, there was no mourning worn at Court, because there was none at the Imperial Court on the death of King William.